information society, media criticism, information, information processes, media, RussophobeAbstract
Information processes of the latest years in Ukrainian media sphere were not learnt enough as a result of many different reasons including political. Ukrainian specialists often do not have an opportunity to study the characteristics of modern media space with objective mind because of potential consequences and ideological pressure exceptionally strong after 2014 year events. events. In this case the author set a goal to study common tendencies of the information processes development in Ukraine, and particularly, information functioning in terms of outspokenness in modern society and associated changes in mass media consumption behaviour and production; to analyze opportunities of information interpretation in media sources, to reveal illusion of exercise of democracy in media with imitation of a dialogue with the society, but in fact, to explore newsmaking functioning under the condition of media oligarchization. It was made an attempt to explain some phenomena in the media space of a country which lost its sovereignty. Some attention is paid to the question of the Ukrainian media criticism influence on the information content of Ukrainian media and the character of this content. It is demonstrated of the important media criticism characteristics in relation to its influence on the information policy of Ukraine. The results of the study will be interesting for studying the working conditions of journalists in the Ukrainian media space, taking into account the existing informational confrontation between Ukraine and Russia.
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