
  • Zhao Pengbo Belgorod National Research University



phraseological units, semantic features, linguistics, linguoculture, water, lexicalized combinations, anthropocentrism


Phraseology as a branch of modern scientific knowledge is one of the most inexhaustible and interesting areas. And despite the fact that linguistic dogma at one time or another was at the forefront of the meth-odology in the development of science, and phraseological studies increasingly acquired the maximum number of additional tools for an objective description of stable expressions, currently there are gaps in the study of phraseological units with the “water” component in Chinese, taking into account the maxi-mum available tools. In this light, an attempt to maximize the objective and comprehensive study of lin-guistic objects is relevant. In this article we rely on the fact that factual material, in our case these are phraseological units with the “water” component in Chinese, are the custodians of historical knowledge and the wisdom of generations. Thus, the study of evidence will provide information about the features of the history and culture of the nation. Working with factual material, in particular with phraseological units of the Chinese language, is rather complicated, as a result of which it is required not only to study ex-tralinguistic data, but also to systematize phraseological units. Their classification will make it possible to clarify semantic features and motivational characteristics, which will make it possible to determine gen-eral and particular grounds for further typological research and scientific research in the field of the theo-ry of language.

Author Biography

Zhao Pengbo, Belgorod National Research University

Belgorod National Research University,

85 Pobeda St, Belgorod, 308015, Russia


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Abstract views: 383




How to Cite

Pengbo, Z. (2020). SEMANTIC FEATURES OF PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS WITH THE "WATER" COMPONENT IN THE CHINESE LANGUAGE. Issues in Journalism, Education, Linguistics, 39(1), 111-118.


