Theoretical and Methodological Problems Critics of Theatrical Works in the Media
theatrical reality, texts about the theatre, experiment with form, media market, audience analysisAbstract
The relevance of this article is determined by the need to analyze new texts about theatrical art. The article examines the novelty of the real situation, the reliability and validity of texts about theatrical life, and their transformation under the influence of the modern dynamics of the media system. The purpose of this study is to identify new tasks of theatrical journalism in connection with a fundamental change in the forms of modern theater in the era of postmodernism. The complexity of understanding the material lies in the sharp difference between modern texts and classical ones. The study of the problem made it possible to declare the need to reorient texts about the theater to a fundamentally new construction using certain rules of the dialectic of the interaction of content and form. This study is relevant in the context of Belarusian journalism, since the theatrical segment of the modern domestic system in the media market of Belarus has not been studied due to the modest scale of the problem and the lack of specialists.
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