To the issue of journalists’ professional identity components


  • Natalia S. Avdonina Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov



journalism education, cognitive component, motivational-value component, behavioral component, professional identity formation levels, journalism


The question of the professional identity of a journalist is extremely urgent today in connection
with changes in the information and communication sphere. With the advent of competitors in the form of
algorithms and bloggers, replacing part of the functions of professional journalists, we can talk about a
crisis of professional identity. Modern realities in the profession inevitably affect the content and
organization of the educational process, so we are talking about professional identity as a pedagogical
problem. In this regard, the author first considers factors that actualize the issue of professional identity of
students in the field of "Journalism". Then goes on to consider the components and levels of formation of professional identity. A separate aspect in the article is a table of manifestations of the formation of
professional identity in accordance with the components. The author concludes that the process of
forming a professional identity is purely individual and accompanies a person throughout his or her
professional biography. The author proceeds from the position that the foundations of the formation of
professional identity must be laid precisely at the university, since it is here that reflection on the acquired
knowledge and competencies is especially possible. At the university, the core of professional identity is
being formed, which makes up the image of the self-professional and the image of the profession.

Author Biography

Natalia S. Avdonina, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov

candidate of political science,
associate Professor, associate Professor of the
Department of journalism, advertising and public
relations, Northern (Arctic) Federal University
named after M. V. Lomonosov, Arkhangelsk,


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Abstract views: 496




How to Cite

Avdonina, N. S. (2020). To the issue of journalists’ professional identity components. Issues in Journalism, Education, Linguistics, 39(2), 135-143.



Journalism and public relations