Particularities of Personnel Training in the Regions of Grand Altai for the Tourism and Hospitality Industry
Grand Altai, tourism, personnel training, professional competenciesAbstract
The countries of the Greater Altai are united not only by territory, but by a common history of development, historical, cultural, educational relations. Currently, tourism is developing in this region, new routes are being developed, therefore specialists with professional regional competencies are needed to work in the tourism industry in cross-border regions. Despite the numerous publications on this issue, there are practically no studies summarizing the experience of personnel training in the regions of the Greater Altai. The aim of the authors is to identify key regional professional competencies for the formation of a training model for the hospitality and tourism industry in the regions of the Greater Altai. The authors carried out a theoretical analysis of training programs for the tourism and hospitality industry of the Greater Altai countries, studied and summarized practical pedagogical experience on the issue under study. As a result of the study, the following regional competencies of educational programs on tourism and hospitality in the regions of the Greater Altai were identified: regional recreational competence; competence in the field of geography; information competence in the field of regional tourist resources. These competencies are grouped into a model of professional regional competencies of graduates in the areas of tourism and hospitality training in the regions of the Greater Altai. The content of these competencies is determined, which are aimed at the formation of skills and abilities to work with regional tourist resources, which make it possible to successfully cope with solving regional professional tasks in the field of tourism.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Наталья Викторовна Биттер , Александр Николаевич Дунец , Лхагвасурен Чойцзинджав
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