Mastering Information Visualization Technologies in the Process of Practical Training of Students of Museology


  • Larisa A. Grinevich Altai State Institute of Culture



digital technologies, information visualization, visual content, internet space, longrid, infographics, timeline, multimedia games, quests


The new concept of a modern museum, which is being formed in the context of the development of digital technologies, requires a museum specialist to be ready to implement the main directions of the museum's activities in the digital environment. The need to work in a digital environment has adjusted the tasks of training museologists and is reflected in the content of general professional competencies. The opportunity to master in-demand practical skills of working with information visualization techniques, as part of digital technologies in museum activities, increases the motivation of students to study. Despite numerous studies on the topic of information visualization, the experience of introducing visualization technologies into museum activities is not sufficiently presented in the press. We also note the absence of publications reflecting the practical training of museology students in mastering information visualization methods used in the formation of the museum online space. The need at the regional level for specialists capable of developing visual content led to the opening of the basic department on the basis of the State Art Museum of the Altai Territory. Interaction with the museum made it possible to take into account new requirements in the training of a graduate museologist. The purpose of the study is to describe the practical experience of teaching museology students in the field of «Museology and protection of cultural and natural heritage objects» within the framework of the training course «Information technologies in museum activities» on the development of visual content using Internet service tools. It is concluded that mastering the methods of information visualization in the learning process contributes to the formation of a competitive specialist in museum activities.

Author Biography

Larisa A. Grinevich, Altai State Institute of Culture

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Library Science and Information Technology, Altai State Institute of Culture, Barnaul, Russia


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Abstract views: 125




How to Cite

Grinevich, L. A. (2022). Mastering Information Visualization Technologies in the Process of Practical Training of Students of Museology. Issues in Journalism, Education, Linguistics, 41(2), 268-276.


