Dynamic Representation of a Female Gender Role as a Part of a Woman’s Image (on the Basis of English Proverbs and Anti-proverbs)


  • Nadezhda V. Kiryukhina I.S. Turgenev Oryol State University




proverb, anti-proverb, image, femininity, semantic gender markers, structural gender markers


The research of gender factor on the basis of English proverbs and anti-proverbs gives a more detailed understanding of nationally specific category of femininity since this approach reveals both traditional system of views and qualifications of female role and modern representation of the image of woman as seen in innovative proverbial texts. In this piece the author examines English traditional proverbs and anti-proverbs in order to discover social changes in the representation of a female image verbalized in paremias. The analysis showed a fairly pronounced gender asymmetry and opposition of the sexes, which is manifested in a predominantly negative assessment of a woman, her character traits, inclinations and actions. In traditional proverbs, a woman is significantly inferior to a man in her position in society, as evidenced by a large number of lexical units positively characterizing a man, representing him as a being of a higher order compared to a woman. The top signs of a woman are her external attractiveness, emotionality, sensuality, and to be the mistress of the house, the owner and manager of material wealth and finances. The linguistic analysis of anti-proverbs showed that negative connotations in the image of woman still prevail in English speaking society, however, the existence of neutral or positive female characteristics is also marked. The research revealed social changes in attribution of originally masculine qualities, they now seem to be ‘’beyond’’ biological sex or, in other words, intergender. Among these are: competitiveness, equal rights in occupations, posts and in everyday activities (domestic chores, driving a car), access to politics, ability to express one’s own desires and undertake independent actions.

Author Biography

Nadezhda V. Kiryukhina, I.S. Turgenev Oryol State University

assistant of the Department of English Philology, I.S. Turgenev Oryol State University, Orel, Russia


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How to Cite

Kiryukhina, N. V. (2022). Dynamic Representation of a Female Gender Role as a Part of a Woman’s Image (on the Basis of English Proverbs and Anti-proverbs). Issues in Journalism, Education, Linguistics, 41(2), 329-338. https://doi.org/10.52575/2712-7451-2022-41-2-329-338


