On the Development of the Conjunctive Properties of the French Polyfunctional Items (on the Example of Enfin and Finalement)
coordinator, polyfunctional item, diachrony, frequency, conjunctive properties, semantic propertiesAbstract
The article presents the results of a study of the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the polyfunctional French items enfin and finalement as coordinators and concretizers of coordinators in diachrony. Individual paths of the development of each items conjunctive properties retaining their original temporal semantics are characterized. It was revealed that when establishing a relationship between two propositions Р1 enfin/finalement Р2, the general situation is realized in three regular contextual variants: result, total, outcome. It is shown that the identified semantic properties of the enfin/finalement are preserved when they are used as concretizers of coordinators, but they manifest themselves with restrictions on the formation of various kinds of coordination constuctions and on compatibility with certain semantics of the coordinator. It has been established that the item enfin acquires a greater conjunctive potential in the modern language. The obtained new data on the semantic and functional properties of enfin and finalement as coordinators and concretizers of coordinators are necessary for subsequent comparison with data of this kind on other French polyfunctional items.
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