Archetypal tropes in the structure of videoblogs


  • Alla М. Shesterina Voronezh State University



archetype, trope, show, broadcast, videoblog, media


Despite significant transformations, we observe today in the informational space, the media
sphere has undergone few changes in its core content. The modern media is developing a new language
based on the newest technologies in the field of media-production but that rarely leads to changes in its
underline concepts and methods. In this regard, the author makes a comparative analysis of the plot features
of modern audiovisual content both in its television form and in the format of video blogs. The process of
modification of traditional archetypal stories in the context of modern media processes is studied. Examples
of their manifestation in traditional and modern media are given. The study identified the following
common archetypal stories: "the feat of Prometheus", "the Cinderella archetype", "sleeping beauty", "rock",
"systematization of philosophical categories", "adventure", "roguery", "natural disaster". Relying on
archetypal stories allows authors to cement a disparate audience, form a common media field both in
retrospect and from the perspective of modernity. Media texts are still carriers of cultural traditions,
translators of common socio-cultural codes, even in the most modern media formats. A feature that
distinguishes video bloggers from the authors of traditional TV content has been identified. If the latter seek
to find original forms within existing formats, the former often try to copy popular plot schemes almost without their verification. We find an explanation for this phenomenon in the Net-thinking formed by the
network environment and assume that it will disappear as the blogosphere professionalizes.

Author Biography

Alla М. Shesterina, Voronezh State University

Doctor of Philology, Professor,
Professor of the Department of television, Voronezh
State University, Voronezh, Russia


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Abstract views: 480




How to Cite

ShesterinaA. М. (2020). Archetypal tropes in the structure of videoblogs. Issues in Journalism, Education, Linguistics, 39(2), 169-177.



Journalism and public relations