Ethnocultural Constants in Literary Texts B.L. Vasiliev and V.N. Krupin
ethno-cultural constants, mentality, mental lexicon, artistic textAbstract
The issues of the ethno-cultural originality of the Russian literary text are relevant in modern lin-guistics, since they reveal the national and cultural specifics in the refraction of the individual au-thor's worldview. At present, this problem needs theoretical substantiation and development, since it is included in the passport of the specialty 5.9.5. Russian language. Languages of the peoples of Russia. Since the topic of studying the national and cultural specifics of Russian literary texts is poorly understood, the purpose of this work is to analyze ethnocultural factors that represent the national and cultural specifics of the verbalization of the artistic word in the works of modern au-thors – B.L. Vasiliev and V.N. Krupin. Thanks to the analysis of literary texts, the ethno-cultural factors of the generation of artistic prose are revealed and the national and cultural specificity of the text is revealed on the example of modern Russian writers.
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