
  • A.S. Litovskaya Voronezh State University



subtext, history, literary genres, censorship


In the works of Russian philologists, we can meet various approaches to the study of the text. A special role in such works is assigned to the subtext. However, so far no one has attempted to trace the manifestation of subtext in the Russian historical context from the point of view of a journalist. Therefore, the purpose of this study is an attempt to consider various manifestations of the subtext from the moment of writing in Russia to modern television programs. Having analyzed the theoretical and empirical material, we came to the conclusion that the subtext in its development went through several stages. The initial stage is associated with the development of writing in Russia. At this time, implicit meanings are expressed primarily through rhetorical devices. With the development of printing and the advent of the first printed newspapers, censorship and ideological oversight of the media has intensified. At this moment, the subtext is again transformed, taking on the arsenal of personification and humor. With the appearance of illustrations in the form of pictures on the pages of newspapers, a caricature appears ‒ a powerful means of conveying subtext. Further development of the subtext in our country was due to the current political situation. For example, during the formation of Soviet power and World War II, the subtext was the most powerful tool for political propaganda. With the development and distribution of television, the subtext begins to manifest itself both through verbal and nonverbal means ‒ facial expressions, gestures, intonation. In the modern network environment, it is becoming one of the key factors in the formation of the community, a kind of means of activating audience complicity.

Author Biography

A.S. Litovskaya, Voronezh State University

Voronezh State University,
1 University Square, Voronezh, 394006, Russia


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Abstract views: 382




How to Cite

Litovskaya, A. (2020). RETROSPECTIVE OF SUBTEXT DEVELOPMENT IN RUSSIA. Issues in Journalism, Education, Linguistics, 39(1), 15-24.



Journalism and public relations