Problems of formation of psychological and pedagogical competencies at teachers of educational organizations


  • Elena М. Bespalenko State budgetary institution of additional professional education of the Voronezh region N.F. Bunakova



professional quality, autopsychological competence, self-perception, self-esteem, emotional status, students


When implementing the professional activity of a teacher, psychological and pedagogical
competence is important and necessary, since cases of deviations among children and adolescents have
become more frequent, leading to fatal outcomes. However, the issue of formation of such competencies
among teachers in the process of professional development remains not fully studied at the present time.
In this regard, the author attempts to provide a scientific justification for the process of forming
psychological and pedagogical competencies of teachers of educational organizations during the course of
advanced training. The study was attended by 125 teachers of educational organizations in Voronezh and
the region, who are trained in additional educational programs. A comparative analysis of the results of
control and measurement materials in comparison with measurement and evaluation tools is given. There
are significant differences in the formation of psychological and pedagogical competencies between the
initial monitoring cross-section and after the completion of advanced training courses. The author draws
attention to the development of autopsychological competence as the basis for the formation of psychological and pedagogical competence. The results showed that the used complex of special
psychological techniques aimed at changing psychological and pedagogical knowledge among teachers is
an effective for the formation of psycho-pedagogical competences in that case, if the problematic courses
will be increased to 108–144 hours.

Author Biography

Elena М. Bespalenko, State budgetary institution of additional professional education of the Voronezh region N.F. Bunakova

candidate of pedagogics. associate Professor, associate Professor of the Department of physical culture, fundamentals of life safety and educational technologies, Bunakov Institute for educational development, Voronezh, Russia


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Abstract views: 422




How to Cite

BespalenkoE. М. (2020). Problems of formation of psychological and pedagogical competencies at teachers of educational organizations. Issues in Journalism, Education, Linguistics, 39(2), 188-196.


