Organization of Public Dialogue: Problems of Interaction of Journalists with the Press Services of the Authorities


  • Angelina N. Romanova Southern Federal University



regional television, press services of authorities, information contract, public dialogue, authority – media – society


Government contracts play an important role in the organization of the power – TV – society dialogue. Today they have a significant impact on the activities of regional media. This influence is destructive. This is evidenced by a number of scientific publications, but the specifics of the relationship between PR structures and TV editorial offices, which are responsible for the implementation of information contracts, are practically not studied. The purpose of this study is to analyze the main contradictions of cooperation between journalists and press secretaries. These contradictions arise in the context of the implementation of contractual tasks. Also, the purpose of the article is to identify effective ways to resolve contradictions. To assess the scale of the problem, the author of the article monitored the local blocks of the Vesti program of the country's state regional television companies. The period is arbitrary. The author watched 246 issues. They were broadcast by 82 regional state TV companies. Also, the author of the article set the task to systematize the data. As part of the study, an expert survey of correspondents, editors and PR staff was carried out, in which 36 people took part. As a result, such problems as the insufficient level of professionalism of journalists and press secretaries, the formal attitude of responsible specialists to the fulfillment of contractual obligations, excluding creative initiative based on maintaining the priority of public interests, were identified. The media closeness and limitations of officials are also a problem. The conducted research demonstrates the possibility of implementing a genuine "power – TV – society" dialogue under the conditions of the state contract, which may be of interest for further scientific and practical research on the functioning of regional media.

Author Biography

Angelina N. Romanova, Southern Federal University

Postgraduate Student, Department of Theory and Practice of Mass Communications, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia.


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Abstract views: 143




How to Cite

Romanova, A. N. (2023). Organization of Public Dialogue: Problems of Interaction of Journalists with the Press Services of the Authorities. Issues in Journalism, Education, Linguistics, 42(3), 429-440.



Journalism and public relations