Признаки идентификатора категории и способы его трансформации


  • Chermen G. Gogichev Plekhanov Russian Economic University




category identifier, category transformations, categorization levels, feature types


The article looks at the functioning of the category and its features that occurs at two levels of categorization – A and B. The aim of the work is to study the structure of the category identifier and related causal features.  The main results include the definition of the basics of subcategorization.The transformation of Sub-Id1-Mod involves modification of a category based on a change in one of the parameters of the primary conceptual system, which allows changes only within one species, i.e. intraspecific recategorization. With respect to the first type of identifier, the Sub-α-Mod transformation affects only the properties of intercategorical interaction. The transformation of Sub-Id2-Mod is the formation of a level B subidentifier on a par with the original one. The units on the basis of which the subidentifier is formed are the result of the correlation of the initial category with cognitive beacons within the framework of the "subject – relation – object" structure. The results of the work can be implemented in the process of cognition modeling.

Author Biography

Chermen G. Gogichev, Plekhanov Russian Economic University

Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages No. 2, Plekhanov Russian Economic University, Moscow, Russia.


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Abstract views: 62




How to Cite

Gogichev, C. G. (2023). Признаки идентификатора категории и способы его трансформации . Issues in Journalism, Education, Linguistics, 42(3), 486-504. https://doi.org/10.52575/2712-7451-2023-42-3-486-504


