Socio-Cultural Code of Playwrights’ Linguistic Personalities of B. Shaw and A.P. Chekhov


  • Inna V. Semchenkova Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture



dramaturgical text, text code, algorithm for the study, playwrights, markers of non-verbal code, linguoculturemes, emotives


The article considers multilingual dramaturgical text formats The article proposes a definition of the socio-cultural text code of playwrights, considered as a text informative code functioning in the formats of dramatic works. The introduction of the concept of socio-cultural text code into the linguistics of the text makes it possible to identify the conditions for the functioning of the components of the idiostylies of playwrights. The author’s algorithm for studying the architectonics of socio-cultural text codes of playwrights, consisting of six stages, is presented for the first time. The architectonics of socio-cultural text codes is determined for the first time. It is proposed to consider this type of text code as a set of seven components: proxeme, marking text space; kineme, describing gestural plot information; chroneme, marking text time; takeme, indicating tactile gestures in the text; senseme, describing information from the five human senses in the text; linguocultureme, marking culturally conditioned information; emotives, describing feelings heroes of the works. In the plays of multilingual playwrights, trends in the frequency of components of socio-cultural text codes of playwrights are revealed. Through the use of the author’s algorithm, a comparative taxonomic model of socio-cultural text codes in the play “Caesar and Cleopatra” by B.Shaw and the play “The Seagull” by A.P. Chekhov, temporally conjugated by the date of publication, is obtained and presented in the article. The proposed definition of the socio-cultural text code, the author’s substantiated algorithm for studying the architectonics of socio-cultural text codes of playwrights and the obtained comparative taxonomic model of socio-cultural text codes replenish the theoretical and methodological base of text linguistics.

Author Biography

Inna V. Semchenkova, Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture

Associate Professor of the Department of Directing Theatrical Performances and Celebrations, Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture,
Belgorod, Russia.


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Abstract views: 48




How to Cite

Semchenkova, I. V. (2024). Socio-Cultural Code of Playwrights’ Linguistic Personalities of B. Shaw and A.P. Chekhov. Issues in Journalism, Education, Linguistics, 43(1), 99-108.


