Practical implementation of the principles of impartiality and public interest in the media activities of the British Broadcasting Corporation
BBC, public service broadcasting, principles of public service broadcasting, principle of accuracy and impartiality, impartialityAbstract
In the context of the tense political and economic situation in the world, which entails the need for objective and unbiased information, there is an increasing interest in the normative standards of media activity in civil society and professional communities. Over the entire period of its existence, the British Broadcasting Corporation has formed an image of itself as a standard quality media in its independence and impartiality, however, in the modern scientific discourse, no studies have been identified that analyze the compliance of the BBC's declared high standards of public broadcasting with the real practice of its activities. The aim of this study was to analyze the observance of the principles of public service broadcasting of the British Broadcasting Corporation: the principle of accuracy and impartiality and the principle of public interest. These principles are declared in all BBC editorial documents that play a huge role in shaping the image of the Corporation as a standard of objective and independent media. The study revealed that following to the norms arising from the principles of accuracy and impartiality in the activities of the BBC should be achieved using verified sources and providing an impartial assessment of what is happening. However, In BBC broadcasts is not always respected in practice. The results obtained contribute to the development of the theory of journalism and public broadcasting. The results can help improve documents regulating of the media
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