Manipulative strategies and tactics in the shvanks of russian germans
communicative influence, speech strategies and tactics, manipulation, shvank, language of Russian GermansAbstract
In modern linguistics, the attention of scientists is increasingly drawn to the problems of live communication, which has resulted in the emergence of research devoted to the study of speech interaction in terms of communication strategies and tactics based on texts of different genres. However, many strategies and tactics have not yet been described, which is due, on the one hand, to the emergence of new types of discourse, and on the other hand, to the variety of speech strategies and tactics themselves in existing types of text. In this regard, the authors put forward the identification and description of speech tactics and tactics that contribute to the actualization of the manipulation strategy used by the
heroes of schwank in specific situations of communication as the goal of the study. The manipulation
strategy is implemented in schwanks using various speech tactics, which are implemented by numerous
lexical, grammatical and stylistic means. With a high degree of effectiveness, manipulative strategies and tactics help to achieve the main communicative goal – to expose such human vices. In the course of the
research, an idea was obtained about the features of speech interaction of Russian Germans, carriers of
unique island dialects recorded in the texts of the schwanks. The results of the research open up further prospects for studying the schwanks of Russian Germans in the context of communicative pragmatics.
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