To the Issue of the National Profile of the Television in Times of Globalization: the Case of the Main French Channels
television, France, globalization, traditions, genresAbstract
The article focuses on the analysis of genres of the programme at the main French TV channels (TF1, France 2 and France 3) with regard to the proportion of original and alien (imported) elements. The analysis covers the TV genres as well as more particular categories, namely the specifics of journalists’ and cameramen’s work. Following the semiotic approach, the author considers these two sides of the television production in their interrelation and seeks to reveal their semantic unity, which determines the profile of individual broadcasts and the TV channels in their entirety. The social mission of the television comprising both entertaining the audience (while perpetuating the cultural heritage) and addressing the urgent public issues (politics, religion, crimes etc.) is also dealt with in the paper. The author’s conclusions demonstrate a certain correlation between the legal and institutional framework of TV channels on one side and the prevalence of national or global elements in their broadcasts on the other side. These conclusions are meant to enrich the Russian studies of journalism abroad as well as to help today’s Russian TV channels develop their unique profile in times of globalization and virtualization.
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