Practical implementation of the principles of independence and accountability in the media activities of the BBC


  • Tatyana I. Maksimova Belgorod National Research University



BBC, public service broadcasting, principles of independence, principle of accountability, independence of BBC


The British Broadcasting Corporation, the BBC, whose activities as a public organization are based on the principles of independence and accountability, in the mass consciousness represents the ideal of an objective media. However, in the current conditions of a contradictory geopolitical situation, when broadcasting corporations are an instrument for shaping the country's image on the world stage, the question of their editorial and economic dependence naturally arises. At the same time, there is a lack of scientific discourse devoted to the analysis of the practical implementation of the principles of independence and accountability of the BBC media corporation. In this regard, the author aims to determine the degree of compliance of the Corporation's declared regulatory standards with its actual activities through the study of various aspects of standard application. The study revealed non-compliance with the principles of editorial and economic independence, accountability to the audience. The results obtained contribute to the development of the theory of journalism, public broadcasting and professional journalistic ethics.

Author Biography

Tatyana I. Maksimova, Belgorod National Research University

Assistant of the Department of Journalism, Institute of Social Sciences and Mass Communications, Belgorod State National Research University,
Belgorod, Russia


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Abstract views: 196




How to Cite

Maksimova, T. I. (2021). Practical implementation of the principles of independence and accountability in the media activities of the BBC. Issues in Journalism, Education, Linguistics, 40(1), 5-15.



Journalism and public relations