Implementation of the Chinese Part of the Project “Multilingual Associative Thesaurus of Politeness”


  • Nikolay I. Stepykin The Southwest State University



association, associative thesaurus, politeness, cue, target


The respondents were native speakers of Chinese. The procedure included several stages. The first stage involved component analysis, which allowed to identify the content of the word "politeness" in Chinese and then add the obtained components to the list of cue words. At the second stage, in order to expand the list of cue words, a free associative experiment was conducted.  This method is considered an effective tool for the study of language consciousness, taking into account its real ethno specific components. For this reason, conducting associative experiments and creating associative thesauri based on them has become one of the leading areas of anthropocentric linguistics. The results obtained using the associative method allow us to identify the structure and content of the associative-verbal network of a native speaker, which has a great heuristic potential in the study of associative norms, i.e. standards in which the semantics of the cue word and the conceptualization of the phenomena behind it are shown to be relevant to the consciousness of native speakers. The creation of a multilingual associative dictionary based on the systematization of associative data makes it possible to present universal and ethnic individual patterns of speach action, and to trace the dynamics of the structure and content of the image of the world of an individual belonging to a certain linguistic culture.

Author Biography

Nikolay I. Stepykin, The Southwest State University

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor, Head. department Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, Southwestern State University, Kursk, Russia


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How to Cite

Stepykin, N. I. (2021). Implementation of the Chinese Part of the Project “Multilingual Associative Thesaurus of Politeness”. Issues in Journalism, Education, Linguistics, 40(3), 396-403.


