National Ratings as Indicators of Network Communication Agencies Competitiveness in Russian Far East
communication agency, national rankings, competitiveness, Russian Far EastAbstract
In the world and in Russia ratings have become information intermediaries in all spheres of society in the last fifteen years. Modern Russian and foreign studies are devoted to the ratings of territories, banks, universities, etc., while attention, which is paid to the study of the ratings of communication agencies, is not enough. The authors formulated the research hypothesis: communication companies, operating in the Far East of Russian Federation and having branches in different cities of the Far Eastern Federal District or beyond, have more opportunities to take high positions in national ratings than "mono-agencies" with a representative office in one city. To test the hypothesis, an analysis of communication agencies operating in the Far Eastern Federal District of Russia was carried out: their organizational structure and the presence of branches in different cities were considered, on the basis of which the author's classification was proposed, and their position in the current Russian ratings was analyzed, followed by comparison with the data SPARK-Interfax systems. The formulated hypothesis was partly confirmed: the network agency, which occupies the first places in terms of income, information openness and takes an active part in tenders and public procurement, according to SPARK-Interfax, received the highest scores among the Far Eastern communication organizations in the PPAP-2021 consolidated rating, also identified agencies that have the opportunity to take top positions in the ratings. The presented methods and tools can be applied in the process of analysis and evaluation of communication agencies in any region of the Russian Federation or outside of Russia.
Acknowledgments: the article was prepared within the framework of the President of the Russian Federation grant MK-5795.2021.2.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Никита Антонович Аргылов , Попиль Василина Андреевна
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