Social Risks of the Liberal Model of the Information Market in Russia


  • Peter N. Kirichyok Moscow Humanitarian University



information market, liberal model, social risk, journalism, press, content, format, media criticism, progress, regression


In the theoretical and practical field of modern media discourse, there is an urgent need to make a com- prehensive examination of the transformations that have taken place in the domestic press over the thirty years of its presence in the information market. This process in the science of journalism is ongoing, but there are two significant gaps in it: firstly, it is extremely rare to talk about the loss of the domestic press in connection with the transition to a spontaneous market, and, on the contrary, much more often in a complimentary spirit, it is said about its gains; secondly, the content of the press (primary beginning) is only to a small extent present on the agenda of media research as an object, which is now noticeably inferior in frequency to its format (secondary beginning). This article overcomes this dual epistemological disparity.

Author Biography

Peter N. Kirichyok, Moscow Humanitarian University

Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Journal- ism, Faculty of Advertising, Journalism, Psycholo- gy and Art, Moscow University for the Humanities,

Moscow, Russia


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Abstract views: 97




How to Cite

Kirichyok, P. N. (2022). Social Risks of the Liberal Model of the Information Market in Russia. Issues in Journalism, Education, Linguistics, 41(3), 443-453.



Journalism and public relations