Semiotic Aspects of New Media Formats


  • Kseniya A. Onuprienko Academy of Media Industry, Ulyanovsk State University



journalism, media content, genre, format, new media, media semiotics


The article considers features of semiosis (the process of production and perception of signs) and how it manifests itself in the activity of the media as a system that includes many verbal and non-verbal signs interacting with each other at the content, compositional and linguistic levels. The empirical base was made up of works of mass media created using digital technologies. Using the semiotic method, the author analyzed a number of important aspects of the production and consumption of new content formats, and also proposed an approach to differentiating the concepts of "genre" and "format" in modern journalistic practice. Conclusions are drawn that semiotic analysis is one of the most effective tools for studying the content of modern media, which allows you to consider the structure of materials, taking into account the interpretive role of the audience, gives a clear idea of ​​what you should pay attention to when analyzing media messages and why they have different effects. The actuality of the research paper stems from the urgent need to comprehend the processes of production and perception of new media content, both serving the proper sphere of public activity.

Acknowledgements: The author is grateful to the supervisor, Doctor of Philology, Professor O.R. Samartsev.

Author Biography

Kseniya A. Onuprienko, Academy of Media Industry, Ulyanovsk State University

post-graduate student of the Academy of Media Industry; Assistant of the Department, Journalism, Ulyanovsk State University,

Moscow, Ulyanovsk, Russia


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Abstract views: 230




How to Cite

Onuprienko, K. A. (2022). Semiotic Aspects of New Media Formats. Issues in Journalism, Education, Linguistics, 41(3), 463-472.



Journalism and public relations