Contextual Nature of Education as an Organizational and Pedagogical Condition for Professional Culture Formation of Specialists in the Field of Sports
professional culture, specialists in the field of sports, contextual nature of education, higher education systemAbstract
One of the main factors in the professional rise and development of future specialists in the field of sports is the formation of their professional culture in the system of higher education. Professional culture as an integrative systemic personal quality is an indicator of the professional competence of a university graduate and sets the basis for the formation and modification of professionally significant constructs. The discrepancy between the traditional targets for the training of specialists in the field of physical culture and sports and modern concepts of professional development of the individual, the lack of full-scale completed studies on the professional culture formation of the specialists in the field of sports, provides a rationale for scientific substantiation and experimental implementation of organizational and pedagogical conditions for ensuring this process. One of the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the professional culture formation of specialists in the field of sports in the system of higher education is to ensure the contextual nature of education. The article presents the typology of professionally oriented tasks and simulated situations of professional activity developed in the course of the study, which provide the contextual nature of learning and is used in the educational process to form various components of professional culture. As a result of the study, a typology of professionally oriented tasks and simulated situations of professional activity used in the educational process has been carried out by the authoring order to form various components of professional culture. The use of professionally oriented tasks and situations ensures the inheritance of social experience and recognition of the importance of the future profession. The systematic use of professionally oriented tasks and situations ensures the continuity and consistency of the professional culture formation of future specialists in the field of sports in the system of higher education. The emphasized organizational and pedagogical condition, provided by the design and application of elements of the educational content, methods, and organizational forms of professional training of future specialists in the field of sports for the formation of their professional culture, is focused on the transition of students to a higher level of maturity of its components.
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