Interaction Models of Author and Addressee in Entertainment TV Discourse


  • Maryna A. Gladko Minsk State Linguistic University



entertainment television, communicative interaction, author, destination, model, strategy, speech mask


A significant role in the organization of TV communicative space belongs to intersubjective interaction between the author and the viewer. The article deals with one of the most important ways of organizing an entertaining television discourse-communicative intersubjective modeling. The purpose of the study is to identify the types of communicative interaction of communication participants, linguistic ways of their representation and the role in the semantic-pragmatic organization in TV entertainment discourse. The following models of communicative interaction are established: emotional-modeling, interpersonal and interactive interaction. The model of interpersonal interaction activates the viewer's speech model as an active speaking participant in communication, responding and initiating the topic. The interactive model of communicative interaction testifies to the convergence of two types of mass discourse - television and internet. The discursive mechanism of involving the viewer in interactive interaction is based on the principles of play, self-expression, assertion of one's own "I"; desire for publicity, to become part of the constructed community.  Identification of models of intersubjective interaction and tactical set of their manifestation in telecommunication is a scientific contribution to theory of mass communication and of speech influence.

Author Biography

Maryna A. Gladko, Minsk State Linguistic University

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Speechology and Communication Theory, Minsk State Linguistic University,

Minsk, Belarus


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How to Cite

Gladko, M. A. (2022). Interaction Models of Author and Addressee in Entertainment TV Discourse. Issues in Journalism, Education, Linguistics, 41(3), 543-553.


