The Importance of the Socio-Cultural Component in the Process of Forming Communicative Competence Among Philology Students from China Studying Russian as a Foreign Language


  • Shuping Zhao Lomonosov Moscow State University



socio-cultural component, students-infons, communicative competence, Russian as a foreign language, Russian-speaking environment


A foreign language is an essential element of the culture of a native speaker of this language and a means of transmitting it to other peoples. To date, the main goal of developing students' abilities is the use of a foreign language as a tool in the dialogue of cultures and civilizations of the modern world. This goal involves the interrelated communicative and socio-cultural development of students by means of a foreign language to prepare them for intercultural communication in various spheres of life. The author considers the correlation of the concepts of "communicative competence" and "communicative competence". The essence of the socio-cultural component of communicative competence is revealed through a system of interrelated components: regional, linguistic, sociolinguistic. The importance of the role of the socio-cultural component in the speech and cultural adaptation of students from China to the cultural and speech environment of the Russian Federation during their integration into society, education, culture, and everyday life of Russians is proved. Socio-cultural development covers such types of competencies as country studies and linguistics. The ultimate goal of mastering the linguistic and cultural aspect is the formation of students' linguistic and cultural competence, that is, an integral system of ideas about the main national traditions, customs and realities of the country whose language is being studied, which allows students to associate with the language unit the same information as native speakers of this language, and achieve full communication.

Author Biography

Shuping Zhao, Lomonosov Moscow State University

Postgraduate student of Lomonosov Moscow State University,
Moscow, Russia.


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How to Cite

Zhao, S. (2022). The Importance of the Socio-Cultural Component in the Process of Forming Communicative Competence Among Philology Students from China Studying Russian as a Foreign Language. Issues in Journalism, Education, Linguistics, 41(4), 681-688.


