Consideration of regional features in the formation of educational programs in tourism and hospitality in Altai krai


  • Natalia V. Bitter Polzunov Altai State Technical University



tourism training, educational programs formation, regional tourism industry


At the present stage of tourism development in Altai Krai and the increase in the tourist flow
the formation of tourism educational programs taking into account regional peculiarities of the region is
relevant. Currently the regional component of educational programs on tourism and hospitality is not
sufficiently formulated, and regional professional competencies of graduates in this field of activity are not fully developed. In this regard, in order to evaluate the current state of tourism and hospitality
educational programs formation in Altai Krai, the author analyzed their content and revealed the impact
of recreational features and cultural and historical development of Altai Krai on the educational programs
content in this industry. The analysis and generalization of methodological experience and comparison of
tourism and hospitality educational programs formation systems in Russia and abroad were carried out.
The historical stages of the personnel training system formation for tourism and hospitality in Russia and
Altai Krai were considered. Consideration of the regional recreational features of Altai Krai in ttourism
and hospitality development should be a key factor in determining the change in the requirements for
graduates of this direction and, consequently, the peculiarities of the educational programs formation
process organization.The results obtained may be of interest to the researchers involved in comparing
tourism and hospitality training pedagogical systems, to employees, to a wide range of readers interested
in the issues of tourism and hospitality training.

Author Biography

Natalia V. Bitter, Polzunov Altai State Technical University

candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor, associate Professor
of the Department of management, Deputy Dean of the faculty of Humanities, Altai state technical
University named after I. I. Polzunov, Barnaul, Russia


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Abstract views: 386




How to Cite

Bitter, N. V. (2020). Consideration of regional features in the formation of educational programs in tourism and hospitality in Altai krai. Issues in Journalism, Education, Linguistics, 39(2), 197-205.


