Basic Interrelations Between the Adaptation-and-Development and Educational Activities in the Foreign Language Lifelong Teaching/Learning Process


  • Gennady V. Merkhelevich Donetsk University of Transportation Systems and Technology, The ARPI Foreign Language Teaching and Translation Agency



adaptation-and-development activities, interactionist approach, foreign language, continuous education, methodology, monolingual language acquisition


This paper deals with the problem of improving the quality of the foreign language teaching/learning process by letting certain student’s adaptation-and-development activities added to it as an additional component part to be done inside and outside the classroom prior to and, later on, in combination with the teaching/learning activities traditionally used during the classes. Being an entirely new for the foreign language acquisition practices both nationally and internationally, this methodological approach has heretofore never been described in literature. Based on the above, the objective of the survey discussed is to consider the important part which the newly developed adaptation-and-development activities proved to play in improving quality of the educational process outcome, and to confirm that the result achieved meets the goal set. With international and author’s own English-language teaching experiences applied, the research under discussion performed made it possible to successfully accomplish the purpose of the survey, its result having allowed to create an individual foreign-language setting for each student, with his/her understanding and speaking abilities developed before other knowledge and skills. The survey also proves the core role and functionally autonomous nature of the adaptation-and-development activities when compared to and used in combination with the traditional educational part of the whole teaching/learning process.

Author Biography

Gennady V. Merkhelevich, Donetsk University of Transportation Systems and Technology, The ARPI Foreign Language Teaching and Translation Agency

Head of the Department of Russian and Foreign Languages, Donetsk Academy of Transport, Director of the Network Corporate Center for Continuous Foreign Language Training "ARPI", Donetsk, Donetsk People's Republic


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Abstract views: 80




How to Cite

Merkhelevich, G. V. (2023). Basic Interrelations Between the Adaptation-and-Development and Educational Activities in the Foreign Language Lifelong Teaching/Learning Process. Issues in Journalism, Education, Linguistics, 42(1), 80-89.


