Network Promotion of the Historical Reconstruction of the Ball: Text Format


  • Victoria V. Masleeva Saint Petersburg State University



network genres of promotion, hypertext, promotion of the historical ball, media texts


The relevance of the article is due, on the one hand, to the ever-increasing demand for media texts formatted in the problematic field of event management, on the other hand, to the lack of philological works devoted to this phenomenon. The article describes the unique characteristics of hypertext, the main task of which is to promote the historical reconstruction of the ball. The aim of the author is to identify the features of the structure of this hypertext, its genre composition, and actualized contact installation capabilities. The analytical algorithm is based on the techniques of intentional-stylistic analysis of media speech. More than 4,000 posts published in 1427 communities on the Vkontakte social network from 2018 to 2022, materials of the St. Petersburg specialized business card website created by the company "From the Ship to the Ball" were reviewed. The main conclusion is that the effectiveness of the analyzed hypertext is due to its pronounced multi-genre and polyintensionality, the possibility of implementing a variety of communicative tasks. The influencing potential of modular texts is determined, on the one hand, by the presentation of the informative intention, on the other, by their polycode. The genre of the post, which is relatively free in speech characteristics, allows you to form a special emotional attitude to the event being presented. The site, which is more stereotypical in its speech form, attracts the attention of a mass audience with interactive audiovisual components. Direct mail allows you to create individual communication trajectories that initiate feedback.

Author Biography

Victoria V. Masleeva, Saint Petersburg State University

post-graduate student of the Higher School of Journalism and Mass Communications, St. Petersburg State University,
St. Petersburg, Russia


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Abstract views: 117




How to Cite

Masleeva, V. V. (2023). Network Promotion of the Historical Reconstruction of the Ball: Text Format. Issues in Journalism, Education, Linguistics, 42(2), 225-232.



Journalism and public relations