Lexico-Stylistic Flavor of the East in the Linguistic Images of A.S. Pushkin


  • Shamsuddin Piavrai Belgorod National Research University




языковая образность, Восток, А.С. Пушкин, символ, дискурсивно-модусный концепт, внутренняя форма образного слова, когнитивная метафора, когнитивный эпитет


Linguistic images of the East by A.S. Pushkin are distinguished by their unique linguocultural plasticity, combining (a) cultural and historical reality, (b) cognitive metaphor, (c) the author’s subjective-evaluative interpretation of a communicative event, (d) reflecting the lexico-stylistic flavor of the East. Onomastic and common orientalisms are considered as a type of lexical borrowings. It is proved that borrowed orientalisms serve not only to eliminate ethnocultural lacunae, but also to create the lexical and stylistic architectonics of the text, its expressive tone and aesthetic perception. In addition, oriental representations of oriental images serve as chronotopic markers, figurative marks indicating the time and place of the corresponding communicative events. The main idea of the study is the idea that linguistic images representing the picture of the world of the East serve not only as a means of banal description of the traditions, life and customs of lyrical heroes, but (and this is their main purpose) as a way of comprehending ethnic consciousness, mental attitude and the value-semantic framework of the eastern mentality.

Author Biography

Shamsuddin Piavrai, Belgorod National Research University

Postgraduate Student, Department of Russian Language and Russian Literature, Pedagogical Institute, Belgorod State National Research University,
Belgorod, Russia


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How to Cite

Piavrai, S. (2023). Lexico-Stylistic Flavor of the East in the Linguistic Images of A.S. Pushkin. Issues in Journalism, Education, Linguistics, 42(2), 367-376. https://doi.org/10.52575/2712-7451-2023-42-2-367-376


