English-speaking Song Discourse in the Context of Social Life


  • Yuriy E. Plotnitskiy Samara National Research University




song lyrics, social life, perception of music, blues, racial inequality, role of a frontman, textual sophistication


The study of song lyrics, belonging to the English-speaking song discourse, presents a very important task for cultural linguistics, as it helps to realise the most essential social issues and trends not only for English-speaking countries, but on the global level. Research in Russian linguistics is mostly focused on separate language aspects of song lyrics without considering a wider social context and the history of youth music. The purpose of this research is determining the place of the song culture in social life by means of analysis of the song texts reflecting substantial social issues in view of historical context. The paper examines such problems as song lyrics sophistication under the influence of social change, the role of a  frontman as a link between a band and the audience, reflection of racial inequality, drug abuse and the place and role of an individual in society in song lyrics. The role of blues in formation of modern music is also touched upon, as well as the specifics of the song form perception and the ambivalence of the mass nature of youth music and the privacy of interaction between a particular listener and a persona in the song lyrics.  We are led to believe that the approach implemented in this research guarantees deeper understanding of both language peculiarities of song lyrics and the contemporary state of global song culture.

Author Biography

Yuriy E. Plotnitskiy, Samara National Research University

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages and Russian as a Foreign Language, Samara National Research University,
Samara, Russia


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Abstract views: 255




How to Cite

Plotnitskiy, Y. E. (2023). English-speaking Song Discourse in the Context of Social Life. Issues in Journalism, Education, Linguistics, 42(2), 377-383. https://doi.org/10.52575/2712-7451-2023-42-2-377-383


