Secondary Nominations of Politicians in the Axiological Field of French Media Discourse
media discourse, means of expressing evaluation, political elite, evaluative nomination, anthroponym, mythonym, social status, oppositionAbstract
In connection with the abundance of geopolitical processes and the influence of the media on the formation of public opinion, it seems relevant to study the means of expressing assessment in the media discourse. The issue of evaluative modality implementation in the space of modern French media discourse with the help of secondary nominations remains insufficiently studied in Russian linguistics. The purpose of this work is to determine the role of the secondary nomination as an element of the axiological field of French media discourse. As a result of the study, the features of evaluative nominations were identified that differently characterize representatives of the political elite in authoritative French publications. A component analysis of the presented units is given, the sources and mechanisms of their creation are identified. It has been established that the nature of the assessment is dictated, firstly, by the social status of the person being characterized, secondly, by the type of publication, and thirdly, by the implication of the opposition «own – alien». The results obtained contribute to the development of linguistic axiology and political linguistics.
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