Works of Fiction as the Plot Basis of Educational Cases in Teaching School Mediation


  • Anton M. Derkach Gymnasium No. 505 of Krasnoselsky District of St. Petersburg
  • Natalia M. Shestakova Gymnasium No. 505 of Krasnoselsky District of St. Petersburg



school mediation, case study, educational cases, school study of literature, extracurricular activities, educational activity


The State education program implemented in all educational institutions of the Russian Federation involves familiarizing students with the basics of mediation. One of the methods used is the case study. However, the requirements for educational cases used in teaching the basics of school mediation have not been developed; the problem remains in their design, as well as the selection of content. Works of fiction can be one of the sources of educational cases, including age appropriate works of fiction within the school curriculum or studied as part of extracurricular reading. The purpose of this research work is to consider the possibility of constructing educational cases using fragments of works of fiction as the plot basis of the case and as a source of a conflict situation description. The literature on the subject of the case method and the construction of educational cases is analyzed. It is noted that the conflict of fictional characters can be the subject of mediation on condition that it is constructive and it is the result of subject-subject relations. The general requirements for the educational case are formulated. An educational case based on a literary fragment is created taking into account the requirements, among which are the plausibility of the situation (except for fairy and fantasy cases), completeness of facts, absence of redundant information, compliance with moral and ethical standards, age, interests, level of students’ education. Since the case involves a group discussion, a situation described in the literary fragment must contain a problem that cannot be solved unambiguously. The result of the study is  providing approximate requirements for selecting fragments of literary works used in the construction of educational cases for students of Grades 6–9 and 10–11. The study contributes to the theory and practice of teaching school mediation: the use of poetic fragments as the plot basis of educational cases is justified and described for the first time, an example of such a task is given, and the results of its testing in the course of experimental work are analyzed.

Author Biographies

Anton M. Derkach, Gymnasium No. 505 of Krasnoselsky District of St. Petersburg

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, chemistry teacher, Head of Experimental Center, Gymnasium No. 505 of Krasnoselsky District,
St. Petersburg, Russia

Natalia M. Shestakova, Gymnasium No. 505 of Krasnoselsky District of St. Petersburg

school principal, teacher of Russian language and Literature, Gymnasium No. 505 of Krasnoselsky District,
St. Petersburg, Russia


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How to Cite

Derkach, A. M., & Shestakova, N. M. (2023). Works of Fiction as the Plot Basis of Educational Cases in Teaching School Mediation. Issues in Journalism, Education, Linguistics, 42(4), 620-631.


