How Digital Technologies Impact Students' Learning Motivation
digital educational environment, motivation, learning motivation, studentAbstract
Finding ways to motivate students to learn is an "eternal" pedagogical problem. The article analyzes modern Russian and foreign studies and describes the most promising forms of using digital technologies in the university educational environment. The paper considered the outcome of the empirical research of the students’ learning motivation process in terms of digital education environment. The research involved 53 students of Penza State University of Architecture and Construction; the average age of the respondents is 20 years. A set of diagnostic methods was employed to find out digital technologies impact of students’ learning motivation. The analysis of knowledge level was carried out by means of the feedback digital testing. To determine the students’ learning motivation the method “The questionnaire "My studies at the university" (O.A.Voronina) was used. The analysis of the mentioned makes it possible to define the higher level of knowledge among students, where digital technology was applied regulary. The analyses of questionnaire "My studies at the university" confirmed the learning interest’ growth in the experimental group compared to the control group. It shows the effectiveness of the digital technologies in education environment. Additionally, the risks for students working in a digital education environment are noted, as well as the need for special training of university staff in the context of digitalization.
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