Linguistic and Cultural Adaptation in the Process of Variation
language and culture cooperation, English variants, British English, Welsh English variant, Scottish English variant, code switchingAbstract
The article deals with the peculiarities of linguistic and cultural adaptation of various variants of English which is the means of global communication in the modern world community. Functioning in a foreign territory, the English language is forced to adapt to the norms of local languages in the process of intercultural interaction, forming new variants. This article analyzes the specifics adaptation features of such variants as Welsh and Scottish English variants in the course of historical and cultural interaction in order to identify key properties caused by interference processes at the level of phonetics, grammar and lexis. It is proved that the linguistic adaptation of the English language is dictated by its dominant influence on local languages and cultures, but the level of linguistic and cultural adaptation varies depending on the principle of contacting languages kinship and social differentiation of the society. Interference processes are the cause of linguistic and cultural adaptation and contribute to the emergence of such a linguistic phenomenon as code switching in a multilingual society. Caused by interference processes, language adaptation can be clearly traced at all levels: phonetic, grammatical, lexical. It is revealed that phonetic and lexical interference processes prevail in both variants - Welsh English and Scottish English. The Welsh English variant has the unique lexical structure which was formed as a result of separate historical and cultural development. The Scottish English variant has a slight resemblance to British English which is dictated by belonging to the same language family. The phonetic and lexical systems of the Scottish English variant are largely influenced by local languages which are represented in a variety of major and minor dialects.
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