Morphemic composition of the word in russian and chinese languages: comparative analysis


  • Anna V. Bagdueva Baikal State University



Chinese, Russian, morpheme, morphemic parsing, morphemic analysis


A comparative analysis of Russian and Chinese languages at the morphemic level in modern
linguistics is not sufficiently represented. Although morphemes are comprehensively studied and
theoretically substantiated, there is no comparative analysis of the morpheme structure of these languages.
The presence of such an analysis can lead to better understanding the structure of the foreign language, and
therefore, contribute to the formation of lexical and grammatical competence. In this regard, the author
considers and compares units of the Russian and Chinese word. Through theoretical analysis the main
differences, similarities and relationships in the classification of morphemes are identified. The author also
explains and justifies the basic principles of morphemic analysis in the languages. The article may be of
interest to Russian and Chinese linguists in the sphere of second language acquisition. The article’s material
can be used to create exercises for solving the linguistic problem – dividing a word into components.

Author Biography

Anna V. Bagdueva, Baikal State University

postgraduate student of the
Department of foreign languages,, Baikal State
University, Irkutsk, Russia


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Abstract views: 717




How to Cite

Bagdueva, A. V. (2020). Morphemic composition of the word in russian and chinese languages: comparative analysis. Issues in Journalism, Education, Linguistics, 39(2), 263-270.


