The Newspaper "Global Times" in the Media Complex of People's Republic of China for Foreign Audiences


  • Elena I. Кononova Belarusian State University
  • Alexander P. Korochensky Belgorod State National Research University
  • Lyudmila P. Saenkova-Melnitskaya Belarusian State University



Chinese media complex, English-language media, international audience, foreign broadcasting, information space


In recent years, foreign-language media have become an influential force in China's foreign communication, which use their advantages to cover domestic and foreign news abroad in contrast to the powerful information and propaganda apparatus of the United States. A high level of external communication is an important indicator of the comprehensive development of the country and forms an appropriate national image. If the state does not have a strong communication tool that provides clear and constructive support for foreign policy, then its own image is largely subject to processing and unfavorable ideological interpretation in the outside world. Modern geopolitics poses urgent tasks for China to actively search for its place in the world. This has caused changes both in the composition of media for abroad, as well as in the content and style of their activities, which requires study. The study focuses on the PRC media complex aimed at foreign audiences, as well as current changes in the tone and content of published media texts, which is most clearly manifested in the activities of the English-language newspaper Global Times. The purpose of the study is a brief description of the publication’s activities, a generalization of the most relevant thematic areas using the example of the newspaper’s most significant publications. The analysis showed that the evolution of China's external communications is reaching a new level today. The activities of the Global Times in the media complex demonstrate changes in the interpretation of world politics and methods of presenting information, develop and enrich the traditions of national journalism. China's success lies in the continuity of the achieved foreign policy results, as well as the expansion and effectiveness of its influence through external information communication channels.

Author Biographies

Elena I. Кononova, Belarusian State University

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of International Journalism of the Faculty of Journalism, State University of Belarus,
Minsk, Republic of Belarus.

Alexander P. Korochensky, Belgorod State National Research University

Doctor of Philology, Professor, Professor of the Department of Journalism of the Institute of Social Sciences and Mass Communications, Belgorod State National Research University,
Belgorod, Russia.

Lyudmila P. Saenkova-Melnitskaya, Belarusian State University

Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Literary and Artistic Criticism of the Faculty of Journalism, State University of Belarusian,
Minsk, Republic of Belarus.


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Abstract views: 51




How to Cite

КononovaE. I., Korochensky, A. P., & Saenkova-Melnitskaya, L. P. (2024). The Newspaper "Global Times" in the Media Complex of People’s Republic of China for Foreign Audiences. Issues in Journalism, Education, Linguistics, 43(1), 5-14.



Journalism and public relations