Stage of Transition to Omnimedia in the People's Republic of China


  • Anatoly S. Puyu St. Petersburg State University
  • Sergey B. Nikonov St. Petersburg State University
  • Timur V. Shafir Moscow State Linguistic University



Media convergence, omnimedia, Chinese media, trends in the development of journalism


The process of development of media communications occurs differently in each state. The development of information technologies and their use by the media are changing the audience of information consumers. Thus, any consumer of information is ultimately an electoral unit in the political system of any state. The introduction of artificial intelligence into the information creation system has not yet been studied by Russian scientists. This paper presents the results of the development of media convergence in the People's Republic of China and what economic results the media received with the transition to a different level of technology use. The purpose of the study is to identify and describe the main results obtained by the media in the People's Republic of China with the transition to a different level of technology use. As a result of the study, the trends in the development of media communications in China were identified. Analysis of data on the development of Internet platforms and media structures in China allows us to conclude that the era of media convergence as a way of attracting audiences to consume information is ending. What is only mentioned in Russia, Western countries or North American countries as a supposed vector of media development has already been implemented in China. We are talking about the phenomenon of omnimedia. The most important trend, according to the authors, is the use of neural networks, which are an omnimedia platform. At the same time, traditional printed materials are an integral attribute of Chinese society. The PRC's experience of using Internet platforms is important for understanding how media convergence can develop in Russia.

Author Biographies

Anatoly S. Puyu, St. Petersburg State University

Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of International Journalism, St. Petersburg State University,
St. Petersburg, Russia.

Sergey B. Nikonov, St. Petersburg State University

Doctor of Political Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of International Journalism, St. Petersburg State University,
St. Petersburg, Russia.

Timur V. Shafir, Moscow State Linguistic University

candidate for the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences, secretary of the Union of Journalists of Russia, Moscow State Linguistic University,
Moscow, Russia.


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Abstract views: 65




How to Cite

Puyu, A. S., Nikonov, S. B., & Shafir, T. V. (2024). Stage of Transition to Omnimedia in the People’s Republic of China. Issues in Journalism, Education, Linguistics, 43(1), 25-34.



Journalism and public relations

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