Language Contacts and South African Idioms’ Nativization


  • Emilia А. Bocharova Belgorod State National Research University



language and culture, idioms, British English, South African English, inclusions, simplification


The article deals with the specifics of phraseological units in the process of nativization which is understood as the need for local languages and cultures adaptation. The purpose of the research work is identifying peculiar features of the phraseological units nativization process due to the influence of language and cultural contact interaction. The research work is conducted on the basis of idioms comparative analysis of the British English language and such a language variant as the English language variant functioning on the territory as South Africa. Based on a combination of induction and deduction methods, methods of phraseological identification and component analysis, the unique properties of South African English idioms are revealed. The process of South African English idioms nativization is influenced by interference processes due to the influence of local languages and cultures. The research work results in revealing unique features of South African English idioms in comparison to British English idioms as: highly productive inclusions of lexemes from South Africa autochthonous languages the  most productive of them are Zulu, Xhosa and Afrikaans; the tendency to simplify the grammatical structure of phraseological units which is manifested mainly in the articles’ omission.

Author Biography

Emilia А. Bocharova, Belgorod State National Research University

Associate Professor of the Department of Second Foreign Language, Belgorod State National Research University,
Belgorod, Russia.


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How to Cite

BocharovaE. А. (2024). Language Contacts and South African Idioms’ Nativization. Issues in Journalism, Education, Linguistics, 43(1), 72-77.


