Religious Vocabulary as Means of Creating a Linguistic Image in the Works of T. Oleinikova


  • Natalya M. Goleva Belgorod State National Research University
  • Ella M. Levina Belgorod State National Research University
  • Ekaterina M. Yakimova Belgorod State National Research University



language image, poetic text, metaphor, epithet, personification, comparisons


The authors consider religionyms as significant elements of semantic structure of a poetic text. The research is based on the regional Belgorod poetic material which is nowadays poorly explored. The purpose of the study is to identify the specifics of functioning of religious vocabulary as a means of creating linguistic images in the T. Oleynikova’s poetry. Frequently used relionyms such as temple, dome, icon, bell, prayer are described, which realize their semantic potential in the text space. It is shown that religionyms, forming a thematic unity, are capable of conceptualizing reality and acting as a means of creating linguistic images in a poetic text. As a result of the study, it was established that religionyms represent linguistic images such as faith, family, love, hope that are culturally close. It is concluded that interconnected linguistic images created with the help of religious names reflect author’s vision and constitute T. Oleinikova’s linguistic world view. The results obtained contribute to the study of regional poetic discourse and deepen understanding of the specific functioning of the religious vocabulary in poetic space, reflect features of the writer’s religious worldview, and contribute to solving a number of problems in the field of the author’s idiolect.

Author Biographies

Natalya M. Goleva, Belgorod State National Research University

Candidate of Philological Science, associate Professor, associate Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Russian Literature, Belgorod State National Research University,
Belgorod, Russia.

Ella M. Levina, Belgorod State National Research University

Candidate of Philological Science, associate Professor, associate Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Russian Literature, Belgorod State National Research University,
Belgorod, Russia.

Ekaterina M. Yakimova, Belgorod State National Research University

Candidate of Philological Science, associate Professor, associate Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Russian Literature, Belgorod State National Research University,
Belgorod, Russia.


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How to Cite

Goleva, N. M., Levina, E. M., & Yakimova, E. M. (2024). Religious Vocabulary as Means of Creating a Linguistic Image in the Works of T. Oleinikova. Issues in Journalism, Education, Linguistics, 43(1), 90-98.


