Functioning of Nonverbal Code Markers in Textual Cognitive Scripts (Based on Thriller Novels by M. Bussi "Nymphéas Noirs" and D. Brown "Inferno")


  • Alina O. Gaidukova Belgorod State National Research University



literary text, non-verbal code markers, proxemes, chronemes, kinemes, sensemes, takemes


The relevance of the study is conditioned by the necessity to determine the role of nonverbal code markers in describing the parameters of the writer's linguistic personality, the significance for modern cognitive linguistics and text theory of establishing the tendencies of functioning of nonverbal code markers in multilingual textual cognitive scripts. The indicators of the architectonics of textual cognitive scripts are determined - as dynamic constructs of the detective novel-thriller of modern French writer Michel Bussy "Black Lilies" and the detective novel-thriller of modern American writer Dan Brown "Inferno". The following markers of the non-verbal code have been revealed: proxemes that represent spatial relations; chronemes that represent temporal relations; kinemes that represent movements, poses and facial expressions; sensemes that represent information coming from the senses; takemes that represent touch. The specifics of functioning of nonverbal code markers in the architectonics of textual cognitive scenarios in the analyzed novels have been determined. The aim of the study is to identify the specifics of functioning of nonverbal code markers in the architectonics of cognitive scripts of detective thriller novels "Black Lilies" by French writer Michel Bussy and "Inferno" by American writer Dan Brown. The obtained results of the study indicate that among the spectrum of markers of nonverbal code proxemes and chronemes are prevalent in the French novel, tachemes are prevalent in the American novel, which is explained by the following parameters: cognitive and narrative frame of the works and linguospecificity of the formats of textual cognitive scripts, collectively predetermined by the linguistic personalities of the writers.

Author Biography

Alina O. Gaidukova, Belgorod State National Research University

postgraduate student of the Institute of Cross-cultural Communications and International Relations, Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod, Russia


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Abstract views: 49




How to Cite

Gaidukova, A. O. (2024). Functioning of Nonverbal Code Markers in Textual Cognitive Scripts (Based on Thriller Novels by M. Bussi "Nymphéas Noirs" and D. Brown "Inferno"). Issues in Journalism, Education, Linguistics, 43(2), 189-198.


