The Role of Ideological Concepts of Allies, Demography, Patriotism, and the Volunteer Movement in the Transmission of State Ideology


  • Roman V. Zinin Belgorod State National Research University
  • Aleksey P. Nemykh Arabaeva Kyrgyz State University



mass media, media space, advertising communication, state ideology, ideological concept


The importance of information independence is increasingly recognized by senior government officials as a strategically necessary component of state independence. However, to date, state ideology has not yet reached the level where it will be associated with all information and communication aspects of social interaction. In this regard, the authors have analyzed the interaction of the communicative aspects of state ideology, its most significant modern ideological concepts, the actualization of which the state has supported over the past decades. As a result of the research, the media space and public presentation, which includes advertising materials and advertising communication, are identified as the main communicative aspects of the emerging state ideology. The use of traditional family values as the main central idea is considered. It is concluded that the current state of state ideology does not fully correspond to the current geopolitical and domestic challenges. One of the most significant barriers, according to the authors, is the lack of a clear regulatory policy in relation to the media space and public presentation.

Author Biographies

Roman V. Zinin, Belgorod State National Research University

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Communication Studies, Advertising and Public Relations, Institute of Social Sciences and Mass Communications


Aleksey P. Nemykh, Arabaeva Kyrgyz State University

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Docent, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Relations and Advertising, Institute of World Civilizations



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Abstract views: 33




How to Cite

Zinin, R. V., & Nemykh, A. P. (2024). The Role of Ideological Concepts of Allies, Demography, Patriotism, and the Volunteer Movement in the Transmission of State Ideology. Issues in Journalism, Education, Linguistics, 43(3), 278-290.



Journalism and public relations