Morphological and Syntactic Transformations of Ivorian French


  • Yana A. Glebova Belgorod State National Research University



morphology, syntax, French, territorial variant of French, Ivory Coast, Ivorian French, transformations


Under the influence of a complex sociolinguistic situation, Ivorian French has acquired a number of unique features typical of the Ivorian linguoculture. It is debatable what transformations have taken hold in the modern variant of Ivorian French. The aim of the research is to identify morphological and syntactic transformations of the Ivorian French, which distinguish it from the French of France. The article systematises the factors of development of Ivorian French from the perspective of new socio-cultural trends of modern Ivorian society, which influenced the emergence of transformations in Ivorian French. The article reveals the factors influencing the emergence of transformations in Ivorian French. It is established that the main cause of morphological and syntactic manifestations is the interfering influence of autochthonous languages, as well as an insufficient level of proficiency in French among the population of Ivory Coast, who has not received higher education. The main varieties of French in Ivory Coast that do not correspond to the norm were analysed. At the morphological level of language, the transformations concern both notional parts of speech (noun, pronoun, adjective, verb) and functional ones (preposition, conjunction). The most frequent morphological manifestations include: omission of the article, preposition, pronoun, of the particle pas in negative sentences, double negation, an incorrect conjugation of verbs, as well as the use of a simplified system of tenses. The most productive manifestations on the syntactic level include the a simplification of the structure of the French of France.

Author Biography

Yana A. Glebova, Belgorod State National Research University

Candidate of Philological Science, Associate Professor of the Department of Second Foreign Language




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Léon P. 2011. Phonétisme et prononciations du français: avec travaux pratiques d’application et corrigés. Paris, Armand Colin, 284 p.

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How to Cite

Glebova, Y. A. (2024). Morphological and Syntactic Transformations of Ivorian French. Issues in Journalism, Education, Linguistics, 43(3), 364-371.


