Frame “Artificial Intelligence” As the Dominant of Modern Medical Discourse


  • Sanya I. Madzhaeva Astrakhan State Medical University



frame, subframe, artificial intelligence, AI, slot, scenario, new term, medical discourse


Medicine and computer technology are closely interrelated, and therefore medical terminology is being actively updated. The aim of the research is to make up the frame structure of “Artificial Intelligence” in medicine as the ability of a computer to perform actions peculiar to the human brain. The research materials were explanatory, encyclopedic, bilingual medical dictionaries, and texts of medical articles related to computer technology. The author proposes a model of the "Artificial Intelligence" frame and identifies various slots in its structure. It is determined that frames are related to the basic concepts of computer discourse, and the periphery is modified due to the influence of computer technology. It is revealed that the AI concept, being a multicomponent structure, is a set of frames, each of which contains different information. The core of the AI concept is shown to include mandatory elements containing information from the field of medicine. The peripheral zone includes signs that are related to computer vocabulary rather than the subject area of medicine. The AI frame indicates the approximation of a specialist’s knowledge in the analysis of complex medical information that indicates the involvement of medical specialists in the global internet space formed by artificial intelligence.

Author Biography

Sanya I. Madzhaeva, Astrakhan State Medical University

Doctor of Philology, Professor, Chief of the Department of Latin and Foreign Languages



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How to Cite

Madzhaeva, S. I. (2024). Frame “Artificial Intelligence” As the Dominant of Modern Medical Discourse. Issues in Journalism, Education, Linguistics, 43(4), 544-551.


