Infographic of the weekly “Arguments and facts”: media aesthetic potentia
this work was supported from the Russian Science Foundation, project No. 18-18- 00007 “Media-aesthetic component of modern communication”
visualization, visual media, media aesthetics, multicode textAbstract
The trends of globalization, visualization, panmediatization and the development of digital technologies have led to the formation of new types of media text, one of the most important characteristics of which is the aesthetic impact on the addressee. Scientists today are discussing the problems of the formation of new media aesthetics. At the same time, there are no studies on the mediaaesthetic potential of infographics in the Russian research segment. In this regard, the author made an attempt to determine the media-aesthetic potential of infographics. Methods of continuous sampling, case studies and content analysis were used. The empirical basis of the study was the journalistic materials of the Argumenty i Fakty publication for 2018. The analysis of infographic publications made it possible to highlight their features: the dialogical nature of the journalistic image; combination of polythematicity of infographics and general principles of information presentation; social orientation; the influence of context on the perception of infographics; atypical and optional interactivity as properties of infographics.
Based on the analysis of the publications of the publication "Arguments and Facts", the main principles of presenting information and creating a publicistic image in a polycode text are highlighted, the functions of verbal and visual means are determined, the media aesthetic potential of infographics is described. This is the novelty of the presented study. Its results can be used in the educational process and in scientific activity in the preparation of students and postgraduates in media fields.
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