Distance learning as an individual approach tool to the process of formation of educational mobility of schoolchildren
critical thinking, modular training, cognitive activity, individual approach, mobilityAbstract
The problem of individualization in learning is one of the most urgent in the modern education system. Various technologies and teaching methods are being tested and introduced that help to reveal the child's personal potential and form key social skills. One of the most effective tools for individualization is distance learning. Despite numerous publications on this issue, this format of work is implemented only on experimental educational platforms, while the average Russian schools need a practical analysis of the results of activities and greater awareness of the effectiveness of distance learning. The purpose of the
study is to analyze the results after the introduction of this format of work in secondary schools. To study the dynamics of formed competencies, a number of psycho-diagnostics were conducted among students of the final 11 class. As a result, the positive impact of distance learning on the cognitive motivation of students, on the level of their volitional self-regulation was revealed. The results obtained not only contribute to the development of the theory of distance learning, but also are valuable for practical implementation and testing.
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