Designing a friendly educational environment of a pedagogical institute
friendly school, educational environment of the University, pedagogical institute, future teacher, design, project managementAbstract
The idea of forming a friendly system of teacher-child relationships in the school's educational environment is a key idea of the Belgorod region's "Friendly school" education development Strategy for the period 2019-2021. Within the framework of the Strategy, an actual task is to prepare a "friendly teacher" for a "friendly school". The training of such a teacher with new professional competencies and high motivation should also be carried out in a "friendly" educational environment of a pedagogical University. However, this category is not sufficiently justified in psychological and pedagogical science. In this regard, the authors analyzed the concept of "educational environment", revealed its essence and structure. The "goodwill" of the educational environment is considered as the most important condition that allows us to give the educational environment of the University a developing character. It is shown that the friendly educational environment of a pedagogical University is a factor in forming the readiness of a future teacher to carry out professional activities based on humanism, cooperation, and goodwill. The article describes the experience of developing the initiative project " Friendly pedagogical Institute of
Belgorod National Research University" in the framework of project management methodology, such stages as problematization, goal setting, defining project results, requirements for results, indicators of project success, developing project activities, and determining the risks and effects of project implementation have been worked out.
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