library, children 's reading, children 's library, children, self-development, information security, information spaceAbstract
The development of library services aimed at attracting the attention of non-reading audiences is becoming an important direction in information support for children. In order to work with the non-reading audience of the digital generation, the Russian state children's library invited children, parents and managers of children's reading to use the collected materials and participate in the development of the Internet portal "Weblandia" – a catalog of the best and safest sites for children. A distinctive feature of the new product is its focus not only on reading enthusiasts, but also on those who do not want to read, preferring sources of a different informational nature-sound, video, and so on. In the latter case, the library should not be engaged in promoting literature. On the contrary, in order not to lose its influence in society, it is able to keep such non-readers in its audience, using modern technological information resources. The problem statement in this formulation is clearly recognized by practitioners. The study of children's reading in a digital environment is in demand in practice, but, unfortunately, it is not sufficiently developed in theory. The purpose of the research is to analyze active forms of modern cooperation with information consumers in Central and regional children's libraries, which are developing work to optimize and comprehensively cover the potential resources of the library audience. In the context of the problem, the experience of representatives of the book market in working with the preventive consumer is also interesting. The transformation of the library under the influence of people's needs for communication, development of creative abilities and self-expression allows us to actualize its role in public education and self-development. Modern projects help to overcome digital inequality by attracting not only readers to the library, but also those who listen to the text, play with words, and are interested in various Hobbies that are not related to reading and reading. Therefore, a library for a child opens access to a secure information space and provides opportunities for their self-development as a reader.
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