Style of contemporary Western public writing as the object of scientific scrutiny (after J. Barnes’ s and D. Rayfield’s articles and essays)


  • Viktor V. Khorolsky Voronezh State University


media text, media discourse, style, essaysm, methodology of text analysis


Style and language analysis is considered to be the basis and the main trend of hermeneutics and philology, and due to the novelty of every historical turn in Humanities it makes the problems of this article ever-constantly new and relevant. The aim of the article was to characterize teleological linguistic inclinations of J. Barnes and D. Rayfield, narrative style of these authors and their irony connected with postmodern aesthetic play. The results: The conclusions are drawn about necessity of combining achievements of mass media theory and media linguistics for the sake of creating meta-theory of discourse analysis. The article deals with some new aspects of media texts style scrutiny, including markers of author-storyteller’s main tone and “voice” differing from the voice of diegetic narrator in J. Barnes’ s and D. Rayfield’s articles and essays.

Author Biography

Viktor V. Khorolsky, Voronezh State University

Professor of the Department of Journalism and Literature, Faculty of Journalism, Voronezh State University,
Voronezh, Russia


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How to Cite

Khorolsky, V. V. (2021). Style of contemporary Western public writing as the object of scientific scrutiny (after J. Barnes’ s and D. Rayfield’s articles and essays). Issues in Journalism, Education, Linguistics, 40(1), 28-38. Retrieved from



Journalism and public relations