Online interviews as a new popular genre of journalism during the period of self-isolation
digital media, new media, self-isolation, content, Computer-mediatedcommunicationAbstract
The article describes the main reasons for the emergence of a new genre of journalism – online interviews in modern reality, analyzes the advantages of online interviews (the ability to conduct interviews without the personal presence of a guest, the relative simplicity and cheapness in production, the speed of content creation) and disadvantages, including the need for the interviewee to have technical means and skills, the relatively low quality of video received from the interviewee, the lack of live non-verbal contact between the interlocutors. The definition of online interviews as a category that is not sufficiently described in the framework of journalistic science is given. It is concluded that this type of interview develops quite quickly during the period of self-isolation, in addition, after the removal of restrictive measures, this format does not disappear, but develops into an independent direction within the framework of journalistic creativity.
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